8 Employee Management Tips to Keep Your Team Happy & Productive

Effective employee management is integral to a happy and productive work environment that all managers strive to achieve, but only a few manage to reach. Dropstat explores the benefits of successful employee management in every healthcare facility and gives you some of the best employee management tips to help your manager get the most from your team.
Employee management - Dropstat

What is employee management?

Employee management in the healthcare industry are systems that managers use to ensure their team of nurses is working at their best every day to achieve the best patient outcomes. Employee management typically entails managers to build and maintain healthy relationships with their team and monitor their daily progress.

What are the benefits of an employee management system?

1. Increase employee performance and motivation

Nurses who feel unappreciated will feel indifferent towards their work. Making your nurses feel valued can significantly improve their productivity.

An employee management system can help managers connect with their team of nurses personally and get feedback from daily operations. Showing them their opinions are valued will increase employee engagement as they feel their voice makes an impact on facility operations.

2. Decrease Turnover

Nurse turnover costs are one of the significant challenges all healthcare facilities face. The average price of replacing a nurse is $40,038.

However, employee turnover can be reduced with effective employee management and result in happier and more satisfied employees. When your nurses are satisfied at work, they’re less likely to leave!

3. Increase your workflow efficiency

When managers effectively direct their staff, their workflow is automatically streamlined, from recruiting nurses with the right talent/skills to monitoring their employees’ activities. Effective leadership will help managers always have the right staff and the right procedures in place.

3 Benefits of employee management - Dropstat

8 staff management tips that Dropstat can help your facility with

1. Create the best schedule possible

Successful employee management starts with effective scheduling. Consider the best shifts for your nurses and let them know their shifts well in advance.

Dropstat allows you to seamlessly schedule regular staff into the scheduling system and save schedules as templates to use when you need them. This enables you to create the best schedules possible, drawing from your experiences of which schedules worked and which didn’t.

2. Match employees with the right skill level to the job

Successful employee performance management starts from the recruiting stage. Make sure to hire employees with the right talent and skills for the job and assign them tasks that match their level of experience.

Dropstat’s tagging feature marks employees with cost and training tiers which helps you to match nurses with the right skills for the right jobs. This also leads to increased efficiency and mitigates overpaying for overqualified staff to fill shifts.

3. Give your employees learning and development opportunities.

It is crucial to give your nurses a chance to develop their skills and education. This will keep your nurses engaged and help them build their skill set to contribute more to your facility. Set up a comprehensive onboarding process for new employees and consistently offer existing employees opportunities to further their education and skills. Allowing your existing employees to advance and specialize their skillset can often be less expensive than hiring a new employee to fit a more specialized role.

Dropstat’s workforce analytics allows you to identify skill gaps within your facility. The training tiers feature enables you to identify and provide the necessary training to relevant employees easily.

The cost of poor management in the US is $960 billion - £1.2 trillion per year

4.Implement a clear list of policies in your facility

Healthcare policies provide clear guidelines on what you expect from your staff daily. Develop (or revamp) facility-wide healthcare policies and make them highly visible. Put an easy-to-glance-at copy in the breakroom, and post process-specific policies in strategic places. For example, put a flowchart of your hazards disposal policy next to the trash in each room. By establishing a framework for your nurses, you will be able to streamline day-to-day activities and meet the many health and safety requirements in a high-risk industry.

5. Set clear expectations

Give every nurse in your facility a set of clear expectations at the start of each shift. These expectations should state the patients and other tasks for which they are responsible. Clear expectations give your employees a clear path to success, and makes it easy to chart their progress there.

6. Encourage open communication and feedback

81% of employees would join a company that values open communication over other benefits and perks. Set up a system where your nurses have a voice and you listen to their ideas, thoughts, and complaints.

Encourage your employees to give you feedback on policies and processes. Paying attention to your nurses’ opinions will help improve your company culture. Constantly acting on their feedback is an easy way to show them that you care about their views and well-being.

Dropstat uses workforce analytics and employee data insights to spot nurses showing signs of job dissatisfaction to help managers identify staff that need extra support and encourage more open communication.

Employees value open communication over  other perks and benefits - Dropstat

7. Offer motivational incentives

Offering incentives to your employees helps keep them motivated and engaged. Incentives can breathe new life into boring, everyday processes and reawaken employees’ desire to achieve goals. 

Dropstat helps facilities identify the lowest cost way to fill shifts. Although not an ideal first option, cash incentives can sweeten the deal for that shift that no one seems to want to pick up, and may still be less expensive than paying for overtime or agency staff. Dropstat Rewards also encourages employees to interact with the platform, incentivizing engagement with simple Amazon gift cards.

8. Recognize your employees’ achievements 

Rewarding your employees doesn’t just have to be all about money. Employee recognition can also help improve employee engagement and satisfaction levels. A simple thank-you note can go a long way in showing that you care about your nurses’ efforts.

A quick look at Dropstat’s analytics can help you identify the employee that’s been picking up the most extra shifts recently and picking up the slack for the facility. A verbal or written thank you says you noticed, you cared, and inspires your employees to act.

Switching over to Dropstat’s employee management software is a fast and straightforward process that can significantly enhance your employee management process today. Schedule a demo to find out what Dropstat has to offer your facility.

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