How Automated Scheduling Can Revolutionize the Way You Operate + Tips for a Successful Transition

Discover how automated scheduling can positively impact day-to-day operations in your healthcare facility and insider tips on how to make the transition smoothly
automated scheduling - Dropstat

We’re well into the digital age, yet a shocking number of healthcare facilities still handle their scheduling manually. Whether it’s pen and paper and a binder full of employee profiles or a computerized spreadsheet, manual scheduling is a drain on time and resources that you could be utilizing elsewhere. Let’s explore automated scheduling and how it can revolutionize your facility’s operations.

What is Automated Scheduling?

The simple answer? Automated scheduling is the best way to avoid frustration, bypass human error, and save time and money. An auto-scheduler utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence, combined with user-defined parameters and data from your company, to fill your shifts with the most appropriate workers. 

5 Main Benefits of Automatic Scheduling:

  1. Save time

With just a few clicks, you can have the schedule for the week up and running, freeing you up for more important business development goals. Where before, it took hours of hunching over a spreadsheet full of cross-outs; an automatic scheduling software lets AI do the work for you in a fraction of the time.

  1. Save money

All that extra time you just saved translates into actual saved dollars since you can now focus your attention on other pressing business matters. Additionally, automated scheduling tools can help you drastically reduce your overtime spending. You can double-check that you’re maximizing your workforce’s regular hours in your schedule before approving more costly overtime or bonus-incentivized shifts.

  1. Reduce Human Error

Say goodbye to safety and compliance errors, scheduling conflicts, and double booking. With AI on your team, you can ensure that you’re scheduling nurses in safe nurse-to-patient ratios and compliance with overtime and shift spacing laws. The software also helps you avoid scheduling errors like double booking and underbooking busy shifts by default.

  1. Build Positive Relationships

Automated planning and scheduling aren’t just helpful in reducing human error. It also spreads a fair and equal workload among nurses, preventing burnout and increasing employee satisfaction. Equally distributed workloads lead to happier nurses, who work and collaborate better to produce better patient outcomes.

  1. Predict the future!

Your automated scheduling software never forgets a busy day or understaffed shift. Analytics can factor in past staffing trends to create the most effective schedule for your staff and facility. Auto-scheduling tools can help you make informed decisions about hiring new staff.

Possible Pitfalls When Using an Auto-Scheduling Tool

Like all good things, automated scheduling has its pros and cons. Here are a couple of things to be aware of when contemplating auto-scheduling for your team.

  1. Machines just don’t have that human touch. They won’t factor in which nurses work well together or who is going through a financial squeeze and could use the money from some extra shifts.
  1. Humans are not the only ones who can make mistakes. AI can also make errors, so it’s essential to monitor it correctly to ensure it’s acting as it should.

The good news is that Dropstat, a revolutionary automated scheduling tool built specifically for healthcare providers, has the best of both worlds. It automates the workflow but requires a manager to approve the final schedule, eliminating the headache of scheduling while maintaining the safety net of human approval.

How to Set Yourself up From the Start for Automated Scheduling Success!

Now that you’re hooked on automated scheduling, your next step is to implement it into your business. Here is a step-by-step guide to ease your company into the transition efficiently and effectively. 

How to Transition to an Automatic Scheduling System

  1. If you are still scheduling in the dark ages using a pen and paper, you might want to take a staged approach. Transition first to using a computerized spreadsheet, which still requires plenty of human input but can flag input errors like double booking. Using a computer instead of paper also speeds up the scheduling process.
  2.  The next step is to use a semi-automatic scheduling system like a “what-if” tool for many businesses. It still requires human input, but it can also advise on the impact of different schedule setups, preventing disaster. 
  3. Once you have that down, you are ready to move on to fully automatic scheduling, which eliminates manual input. The software automatically schedules shifts according to predefined parameters.

Things to Consider when Choosing Automated Scheduling Software

There are a plethora of automatic scheduling tools out there. How to know which one is right for you? Consider these four essential features when choosing which tool is right for your company.

4 must have features in automated 
scheduling software
  • Intelligent job matching

This feature helps ensure that the right worker is on call at the right time. It considers skillset, location, and availability, among other factors, to assign the right person for each shift.

  • Batch optimization

This feature allows you to schedule large numbers of shifts simultaneously. The AI considers all the factors needed to create the most efficient schedule, and then you can run the numbers every day, or even weekly or monthly, to have your schedule set in advance.

  • Real-time recommendations

There are so many factors involved in getting the right person on the job at the right time. This feature keeps track of millions of details to make sure there are no mistakes, missed shifts, or mismatched caregivers.

  • Rule specification abilities

The best scheduling software should be able to conform to your specific needs. You input the specifications you need for your company and let it take the burden off your shoulders.

Why Dropstat is the Solution to your Automated Scheduling Needs

Dropstat gives healthcare facilities greater autonomy over their staffing resources to increase the quality of care and decrease the cost of care. It is the only automated scheduling system designed specifically for the healthcare space, empowering facilities with rich data to make informed, cost-efficient staffing decisions. Dropstat is designed with your needs in mind. It optimizes the safety and efficiency of care in healthcare facilities of all shapes and sizes. 

Once you download the Dropstat app, you can quickly bulk upload facility and employee details. Then, just tag employees with safety and cost tiers so the AI platform can analyze your staff plan and start making smarter staffing suggestions. Then you can send open shifts to staff and approve the safest schedule that works best for your team and your patients. 

Dropstat facilitates seamless shift communication for safer staffing, increasing staff and patient satisfaction.

And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

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